Upcoming Events

Export Calendar
Export to Google Calendar
Get a copy of our current events calendar. Follow the simple steps below.

Create New Calendar
1. Download the calendar file here: ICS File.
2. Open your Google Calendar.
3. On the left side, see "Add friend's calendar" field.
4. Click the plus (+) icon > click "New calendar" option.
5. Enter 'Untitled Widget' as calendar name.
6. Click the "Create calendar" button.
7. Once created, click the back button.

Import Calendar
1. On the left side, see "Add friend's calendar" field.
2. Click the plus (+) icon > click "Import" option.
3. Select the ICS file we downloaded earlier.
4. Select the calendar name we created earlier.
5. Click 'Import' button.
6. Done!
Receive our event updates automatically. Follow all the simple steps below.

Add Calendar URL
1. Open your Google calendar.
2. On the left side, see "Add friend's calendar" field.
3. Click the plus (+) icon > click "From URL" option.
4. On "URL of calendar" field, copy and paste the following link:

5. Click 'Add Calendar' button. Loading will take 2-3 minutes.
6. After 2-3 minutes, refresh Google calendar.
7. See the left side if your calendar was loaded.

Events from March 12, 2025
April 1, 2025 @ 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Linux Victoria

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Linux Victoria
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April 1, 2025 @ 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm


Welcome to the LUV monthly Main Meeting!

Every month, members of LUV, Linux Users of Victoria, get together on the first Tuesday of the month to review latest news and join one or two technical sessions on topics of interest, such as Linux, Data, Networking, and Security.

## Topic: TBC

Under planning

## How To Join

Link to join:


We use a self-hosted BBB instance for this meeting.

## Schedule

19:00 Meet and greet

19:30 Opening and News

20:30 Closure
